Monday, February 12, 2007

being in the eye of the storm

This week:

Monday – Be in uni for 9am. Ensure have the necessary two bags full of equipment for project focus group with me. Continue search for final two participants of project focus group. Find out if there’s an 11am final project lecture. There isn’t. Attend Ethics in Business seminar instead. Attempt to give impression I’ve done the required reading. Meet International Retailing coursemates to kick off plans for Carrefour presentation on March 5th. Print out slides for this week’s lectures. Conduct final project focus group. Complete Marketing Communications strategy for Strategic Marketing Management group coursework.

Tuesday – Remember to pack calculator. International Retailing lecture at 9am. Meet Strategic Marketing Management group to pull together what we’ve all written and start to bash it into its final form throughout the day. Attend Strategic Marketing Management lecture and tutorial which requires access to a calculator. Subtly sneak away from Strategic Marketing Management group to see Ricky Gervais’s stand up show at Manchester Apollo.

Wednesday – Ensure The Brits and Never Mind The Buzzcocks (it’s the Preston hissy-fit episode, natch) are set up to record, as there’s no chance I’ll get to see them go out live. Get into uni early despite having no lectures all day. Put finishing touches to Strategic Marketing Management group coursework throughout day. Meet Project Supervisor to review all the research I’ve done and plan what’s happening next. Research International Store Operations for International Retailing presentation. Decide that accepting offer of a night out is impossible, however tempting the offer might be. Make damn sure that I’ve applied for those two post grad jobs I keep putting off.

Thursday - Get into uni early. What do you mean Strategic Marketing Management coursework still isn’t finished? Work on it until it is. 1pm meeting with International Retailing coursemates about presentation. 2pm meeting with Ian Grime about how on earth my Locational Planning & Place Marketing coursework managed to go missing for two and a half weeks after being handed in back in December, resulting in me getting the late penalty mark of 40/100. 3pm Locational Planning & Place Marketing lecture. Hand in Strategic Marketing Management group coursework. Get highly drunk on course night out.

Friday – Crack on with the Final Project write-up and Ethics in Business assignment that have been sorely ignored throughout all of this.


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